DeLaval teat spray robot TSR
This is one of the first automatic post-spray solutions for farmers with parallel rotaries - providing an accurate, optimal and consistent method for applying teat spray after milking.
DeLaval Swinging Cow Brush
Use of the swinging cow brush will ensure a cleaner coat by removing dirt and debris, allowing cows to more effectively cool their bodies and put their energy into milk production.

DeLaval Body condition scoring BCS
Body condition scores enable better feed planning, which helps to ensure your cows have healthy body fat reserves. This promotes milk production, reproductive efficiency and cow longevity.

DeLaval Farm Monitoring Camera
Keep an eye on what matters to you most from any smartphone, tablet or computer. Get a real time view of your shed or house - what matters most, indoors or outdoors.

DeLaval scraper system
With either the cable or hydraulic manure scraper system we offer tough scraper solution that is, cow friendly and suitable for multiple surface types.

DeLaval water troughs
DeLaval water troughs are easy to install, to handle, to maintain and support especially the highly productive animals on your farm – the cows!

DeLaval cubicle divider
Your cow needs enough space to safely lie down, rest and rise in the stall. It is essential to house her in hygienic, dry, welldesigned stalls with comfortable dividers.

DeLaval cow mattress
Highest comfort for your milk cows. The latex foam mat forms the core of this premium mattress. It is wrapped in plastic film for protection against moisture and dirt.